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Recurring payment refund

When needed, funds debited from the customer for recurring payments can be refunded. This can be done for the entire payment amount or for a partial sum.

Interaction format:

Interaction format

To make a refund, send a POST request to the /api/v1/pos/:posId/recurring/:recurringId/payments/:paymentId/refund endpoint, where the value of the recurringId parameter should be the unique ID associated with the corresponding recurring payment subscription and the paymentId parameter should contain the unique ID of the payment eligible for a refund.

Request parameters:

order_currencyCURRENCYCurrency of original order
refund_amountNumberAmount to be refunded. If not provided, a full refund of the transaction will be processed
commentStringRefund comment. Can be used for describing reasons of refund or for passing another data about operation (max length is 2048 characters)
server_urlURLWebhook notification will be sent to this URL

Request example:

"order_currency": "USD",
"refund_amount": 100,
"comment": "10101",
"server_url": ""

Note that the sum of all partial refund transactions for a payment cannot exceed the total amount of the original payment.

Response parameters:

operation_idUUIDUnique Tranzzo refund identifier
payment_idUUIDTranzzo payment identifier of primary operation
order_idStringMerchant's order_id of primary operation (max length is 32 characters)
transaction_idUUIDUnique Tranzzo transaction identifier
pos_idUUIDMerchant's identifier (POS_ID)
amountNumberActual refund amount
currencyCURRENCYTransaction currency
statusSTATUSTransaction status
status_codeSTATUS_CODETranzzo payment status code
status_descriptionSTATUS_DESCRIPTIONTranzzo payment status code description
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when transaction was created
processing_timeTIMESTAMPTimestamp when transaction was updated last time
feeObjectAmount and currency of commission
commentStringRefund comment

Response example:

"operation_id": "f7d0c7cb-af32-441f-b2af-4d90d4da70e1",
"payment_id": "fdf1a710-8a34-414c-b023-b7e78104301a",
"order_id": "123",
"transaction_id": "4f98dc46-ffff-4ba7-a267-286fe7669894",
"pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
"mode": "direct",
"method": "refund",
"amount": 100,
"currency": "UAH",
"status": "success",
"status_code": "1004",
"status_description": "Refund successful.",
"created_at": "2018-10-10T10:10:10.100",
"processing_time": "2018-10-10T10:10:12.000",
"fee": null,
"comment": "10101"

Next steps:

To test the refund process:

  • Create a subscription for recurring payments using the authentication data of the test project.
  • Initiate a secondary operation of refund for a transaction within the subscription.
  • Configure webhooks.
  • Use the test data to obtain different operation result codes.
  • Handle received errors.

Going live:

  • Upon activation of the live project by our Compliance Team, use its authentication data instead of the one of the test project.

See also: